Lego Posters Worksheet

intertextuality - when a media product makes a reference to existing media product
lord business - black connotations dominance and negativity 

To what extent does propp's character theory fit to the lego movie poster campaign 

I feel as though the propp's theory fits fully into the logo movie poster campaign. One way the Propp's theory fits into the lego movie poster campaign is through the character poster of Vitruvius he can be seen as the doner as he has bright glowing eyes and white robe. This demonstrates his doner power because it illudes to him having some sort of magical powers.

Another way Propp's theory fits in the lego movie poster campaign  is through the character poster of Lord Business as he can be seen as the villain as he is wearing red helmet that has a jagged sharp points on it. This denominates his villainous character as they have intentionally made his costume sharp to seem scary as lego isn't normally sharp and red has connotations of anger and danger.



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