Video Games/ VIDEO GAMES H/W


Video Games

Who are VSC?

video standards council

What do they do?

promote high standards in video game industry

What is their relationship with PEGI?

helps parents to make informed decisions when buying video games

What is the process of examining a game?

PEGI rates their games and examines the games and give information to parents on what their games on 

How do they ensure child safety?

Parental controls which parents sett up on devices for children that disable games with violence or other damaging references via the games rating authority

Vocabulary Bank for LEGO Convergence: 

Convergence-the process by which computer devices and digitalisation bring together various media technologies- merging technologies into one device

Brand image-the customer's perception of your brand based on their interactions

Franchise- A series of films based on an original idea or an adaptation of, for example, a book- a collection of linked media products derived from single original source- eg harry potter

Loyalty- the degree to which a customer is likely to continue doing business with an organisation and is usually the result of continued satisfaction with a product or its price 

Marketing-the way in which an organisation tells its audience about a product

Diversification-where a media company moves from producing one type of product to creating different media forms lego movie- film/toys/merchandise/tv

Globalisation-the universal integration of media through the multicultural exchange of ideas-wider audience

Synergy-the impact of using a cross-media approach to engage the target audience-merging two or more companies or products coming together to make a product better (media synergy-media conglomerate work together to promote linked products across different media)

home learning 
Explore Genres: 
Toys to life -
Characters and missions 

Video Games H/W 
FPS- A first-person shooter is a video game centred on gun fighting and other weapon-based combat seen from a first-person perspective, with the player experiencing the action directly through the eyes of the main character or character you are using.
RPG - A role-playing game is a game in which each participant assumes the role of a character that can interact within the game's imaginary world.
MMO - A massively multiplayer online game is an online video game with a large number of players on the game server.
MMORPG - A massively multiplayer online role-playing game is an online role playing game in which a very large number of people participate simultaneously.
Toys to life - Is a feature in some video games that allows you to use real-life figurines and toys to impact the video game. E.g. lego dimensions and sky landers.
Sports - A sports video game is a video game that simulates the practice of sports. This can be a game like FIFA where you play using a controller if on console or pc, or a game when you physically play the game like you are actually doing it.
Characters and missions - A quest, or mission, is a task in video games that a player-controlled character, party, or group of characters may complete in order to gain a reward. Or a mission could be part of the story in the game you’re playing.


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