Advertising and Marketing


Advertising and Marketing

Horizontal Integration -When a company expands into other areas of an industry. The company can develop in a particular area of production (prod, dist, exhib) or can buy out another company that deals with these areas and therefore reduce competitors

Vertical Integration -When a production company has complete ownership of the multiple stages (1-6) and receive all of the profit

Tent-pole -  A big film that is expected to make lots of money for a studio. This money is then distributed out to fund the production/distribution of more films.

The LEGO Movie was a ______tentpole____ film for __________warner bros_____.

The fact that it made lots of money at the _____box office ________ meant that Warner Bros could fund more films the following year.

For example _lego nijago___ and ___lego movie 2_________ may well have been made using The Lego Movie's profit - trailer


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